Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Beginning

So I created this blog to show off the projects that I make at home. Because I am jobless, I spend a lot of my time at home, which does leave me with quite a bit of time to scrapbook. I think I am also unique in the fact that I am a college student. I'm not married, nor do I have any children. Most of the stuff that is out there revolves around scrapbooking the life of children. While I think this is a very good thing, I think it is important to remember the young single adult time of life. It is a time of a lot of change. I have been in several different wards. Since I have graduated, I have only lived in one place for 8 months. Life is very transient right now. I meet new people everyday and have different experiences all of the time. Hopefully this will show how I am trying to remember the life I am currently living.

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