Monday, May 21, 2012

Sew What?

Yeah, I know.  Really original :)  One of the things that really impressed me about the Peruvian people was the amount of things they did with their hands.  In my first area, a town called Monsefú, we saw women of all ages making sombreros in their house.  Making them!  As in using straw or something similar (I'm not exactly sure what).  All I know is that it was pretty cool.  People would also sew a lot too, which was something I always wanted to be better at.  So I came home and asked my mom to help me sew a skirt.  Not that I needed the skirt, but it was a good way to learn how to sew.

So we headed over to Hobby Lobby when they had some of their patterns on sale for 99 cents, picked out a couple, got some fabric from JoAnns and went to work!
It's a wrap skirt, and it was fairly easy to make.  Mind you I probably most definitely would have messed it up if it weren't for my mom's help.  But hey!  That's what moms are for!  (Also like how my cat made it into this picture....hi Meeko!)  I did it in about 2 days-one day to cut out all of the pieces and then another day to sew them all together.  Now I know how to sew a little bit better!  Awesome!

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