Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hobby Lobby

So I hadn't heard of this store until I joined the blogging community.  It seemed to pop up everywhere!  Anything crafty can be found at this Hobby Lobby store!  But I had never seen one in the relms of where I live.  Until....today. (Dundundun!!!!)

I was driving home from a rather refreshing trip to the temple when I saw a sign for Hobby Lobby next to a shopping center.  I decided to do some investigating, to see if this store was really all it was cracked up to be.

And it was!

Oh my word! SO not good for my wallet!  But so wonderful for my creative scrapbooking/crafty inner-child.
Too bad it's so far out of my way.  I guess that will soon become "my way."  YAY!!! :D

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