Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pink and Orange?

So day #184 at 365 Cards got me thinking about which colors I use and which ones I don't.  This challenge was to take two different colors and make a card using shades of those two colors.  One color had to be a color that you use a lot, while the other one is a color that you don't really do a whole lot with.  Lately I've been using a lot of pink/red, so I chose pink as my first color.  And then I thought about the colors that I don't use that often, and I automatically thought of orange.  Who uses orange?  I don't...  But this card was fun to experiment with.  I think it turned out cute.

I found the paper with orange and pink squares in an old paper stack I've had for a long time, and thought it would be perfect! I made the arrow using my DS, and the little bird came from the Home Decor cart.  The "thank you" rub-on came from an American Craft set of rub-ons.