Friday, September 3, 2010

Shape Up!!

Man, I am on a roll!!  Anywho, challenge #185 at 365 Cards-Shape Up.  We had to pick a polygon that had more than 5 sides (and thanks to my elementary ed math class last semester, I have polygons fresh in my mind).  I chose to do a decagon.  A what-a-gon?  Yep.  A decagon!  10 sides, my friends! (Some may say this looks like a is! :)

I also think it's kind of funny how the colors I ended up using in this one were pink and orange-the same colors I used for challenge #184 (although there is a lot more brown in this card as well)

The decagons (or stars) were cut out from George cart.  I used DS to create the swirlies from my new favorite Home Decor cart. and the phrase "shoot for the stars" came from the Doodletype cart., welded together with my DS. (I guess I should have put decagons instead of stars, but I don't think it would have had the same meaning ;)    The patterned paper on the background on the card came from DCVW Glitter Stack.

This is a 5.5 x 5.5 card, with half of the big star sticking out from the rest of the card.

Well, what do you think?

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